Cultural Mapping in Springfiled, Oregon Laura Street and Brattain Neighborhoods: A Civic Engagement Study


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This report outlines work by students in the Art and Sustainable Society course
in the University of Oregon Arts and Administration Program during the fall
2011 term and provides recommendations to the City of Springfield for further
study and action. It can be used as an example and guide for further community
mapping and community engagement.
This project focused on mapping the cultural resources of the City of Springfield,
specifically the Laura Street and Brattain neighborhoods. The report reviews the
students’ process of cultural mapping, the information gathered, trends identified
within the information, and suggestions for further study and engagement.
The first sections of this report contain background information on Springfield
and the resources used by the Laura Street and Brattain neighborhoods.
Descriptions and findings from the Laura Street and Brattain neighborhoods
make up the following two sections. Each neighborhood section contains a
description of the methodology used to address the corresponding objectives
provided by the city of Springfield. These methods include surveying,
interviewing, and cultural mapping. This data was then used to draw concluding
recommendations, which makes up the final segmented portion of this report.
The Laura Street neighborhood section of this report details suggestions to
increase quality of life within the neighborhood. The Brattain neighborhood
section of this report details suggestions to develop a continuum of “cradle
through college and career” solutions to improve the educational and
developmental outcomes of children in the area.
The final section of this document details suggestions that relate to both the
Laura Street and Brattain neighborhoods, and summarize this project and the
suggestions of both groups to help uplift and enhance the quality of life in the
City of Springfield. Appendices that consist of a copy of the surveys distributed,
and a glossary of terms used within this document, follow the Conclusion

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
John Fenn

Local Government / Community Contact
Mark Metzger

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