Developing a Mental Health Resource Road Map for Adams County Health & Human Services

Barbara Duerst


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Adams County recently hired a new advanced practice nurse prescriber (APNP) into their Healthand Human Services (HHS) Department. The APNP is certified to prescribe medications forconsumers which makes her a valuable resource to the county as other mental health providerscannot. Due to the high demand of this service, the department needs to make decisionsregarding which consumers can be treated internally and which need to be referred to externalproviders. Previously, the county only had the ability to treat adults, but the new APNP isqualified to serve children as well, which will create a massive influx in the number ofconsumers seeking services. The lack of a current standard method for determining whichconsumers to treat internally prevents the department from operating effectively. Uponcompletion of this project, the department will have the knowledge and tools to develop andmaintain a manageable intake process.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

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