Examining Land Use Scenarios for Vacant Lots


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Students will examine the effects of various land use scenarios on stormwater runoff and pollinator habitat connectivity. Specifically, students will examine possible effects of the conversion of vacant lots in North Minneapolis to alternative uses (e.g., urban agriculture, pollinator habitat, raingardens, or a combination of uses) on stormwater runoff rates. Students will also examine optimal and minimum spatial distances between pollinator gardens. Finally, students will explore co-benefit scenarios for combinations of different land use practices. Students’ analysis will be used to inform the targeted selection of locations for these alternative land uses and to provide justification for the conversion of vacant lots to alternative uses within MWMO’s management boundaries.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable Communities Partnership Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Chip Small
Environmental Science


Local Government / Community Contact
Michele Ross

Program Specialist

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