Gonzales Comprehensive Plan


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The 2012 State of the Community Report is a critical component in identifying where the City of Gonzales currently stands. It provides a baseline by which different facets of the community can be looked
at piece by piece, revealing each of their strengths and opportunities as well as weaknesses and potential challenges. However, that portion of this Comprehensive Plan is only one half of the tool by which
the city will use to make planning decisions going forward. The sections concentrating on Gonzales’
future make up the second half of this document, providing recommendations that the city and its residents can use to guide their city in a meaningful direction.
Each of the sections contains goals, objectives, and policies that together create a network of strategies
to realize the vision of the city. Goals are broad statements regarding areas of improvement which
grow directly from the vision statement. Objectives identify measurable targets, and, together, their
achievements make the goal a reality. Policies are specific strategies or actions which are necessary
for the community to take to accomplish the objectives . These policies may need to take place immediately or several years down the line, but the schedule creates both accountability and responsibility
for the parties involved.
Not all parts of the future plan are required to be carried out in complete specificity. They are simply
guides for Gonzales as it manages its growth over the next two decades. The community and the surrounding region are currently undergoing great change, but the Gonzales Comprehensive Plan will
help direct the city as it strengthens its position as a livable community and a top Texas destination.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Texas Target Communities Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Chanam Lee
Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning


Local Government / Community Contact
Allen Barnes

City Manager

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