High Preformance, High Density, High Ambitions: Housing for the Salem Housing Athority


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In collaboration with Peter Keyes’s 2011 Advanced Architectural Design Studio
at the University of Oregon and the Sustainable Cities Initiative, the City of
Salem and the Salem Housing Authority (SHA) sought to re-imagine the future
of public housing so that it would dignify those who inhabit it and do so in a more
economically, environmentally, and ecologically sustainable manner than is
currently the norm.Following their research and analysis, the students generated room, unit, and
building prototypes based on an understanding of their relationship to different
local contexts. The students subsequently developed infill and redevelopment
proposals for three multi-family properties currently owned by the SHA: Orchard
Village, Meadowlark Village, and Glen Creek. The SHA provided students a list
of goals focused on optimizing the use of available resources, including energy,
land, water, and materials. Building on the SHA’s goals, the students sought to
elevate perceptions of what is possible in low-income housing.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
Peter Keyes


Local Government / Community Contact
Andy Wilch

Salem Housing Athority

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