Housing for Sober Living in Adams County

Barbara Duerst


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Adams County is a rural community located in central Wisconsin. The largest industriesin this county are agriculture and tourism. The county has identified Housing for Sober Living asa priority for residents, as many people with substance abuse disorders also experiencesignificant housing insecurity. Three potential interventions to address housing for sober livinghave been identified: the Oxford Home model, the Sober Living Community model, and theHousing First model. An Oxford home is a democratically run, peer-supported, andself-sustaining recovery model that emphasizes personal responsibility in a supportive andsubstance-free environment. The Sober Living Community is a fully staffed recovery home thatcan have associated mental and behavioral health services. The Housing First model is alow-barrier housing option that provides optional supportive services to individuals and families.Based on criteria identified by the county: self-sustainability, community acceptance, and anemphasis on sober living, the Oxford model has been identified as the most promisingintervention for this project.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

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