Housing Needs Study


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A housing quality study was conducted to evaluate the current housing
stock in the City of La Grange. It was found that the majority of housing
is maintained or well maintained and that although the City has an older
housing stock, it is very well taken care of. There has been no new residential
construction since 2010 and the vacancy rate for owner occupied
households is at zero percent. Housing tenure patterns show that many
residents moved into their homes during the period of 2000 to 2009 and
growth has continued since then. Housing is affordable within the City,
especially for owner occupied households. The City is however, lacking
in housing options for renters and the elderly.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Texas Target Communities Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning

Local Government / Community Contact
Scott Byler

Community and Economic Development Director

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