Implementing School-Based Primary Healthcare Clinic in Adams County

Barbara Duerst


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In the most recent Community Health Improvement Plan, Adams County (2017) identified access to healthcare as one of the major issues facing the community. The lack of resources and education surrounding healthcare in this 100% rural county has negatively affected the overall health of its citizens. Lack of access to healthcare and funding poses barriers to creating a more equitable healthcare environment in Adams County. This proposal outlines school-based primary care clinics as an option to help improve access to, and equitability of, healthcare in the community. An evidence-b ased initiative will be created for schools, to include physicians, nurses, and other providers in healthcare support roles, in an effort to improve upon this issue for the students in Adams County. Intervention strategies will be used to address the larger issues that are facing Adams County (Adams County, 2017).

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

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