Introduction to Green Infrastructure and Regional Transit


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The following report documents design concepts that address stormwater management for the TriMet Southwest Corridor (SWC) light rail project. Students in the University of Oregon’s Landscape Architecture course on stormwater management worked with TriMet and its Southwest Corridor partners as part of the Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP). Students were divided into teams and tasked with proposing concepts for stormwater infrastructure at certain stations of the future SWC line.
The stations addressed were as follows, from north to south:
• The Woods Corridor, Team 1
• 13th Avenue Station, Team 2
• 50th Avenue Station, Team 3
• Tigard Triangle Station, Team 4
• OPS Facility Station, Team 5
This report outlines and identifies key concepts produced by each team for each of the above stations. Although the overall purpose of the project was to design at each station, the class was also asked to approach their projects with the “triple bottom line” in mind. Therefore, each team approached their stormwater design concepts with social, economic, and environmental considerations. The report is divided into sections based on the assigned SWC stations. Each section’s design concept includes technical details of stormwater infrastructure and illustrative examples to reinforce their ideas

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
Dave Elkin
Landscape Architecture

Local Government / Community Contact
Jeb Doran
Senior Project Manager

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