Marketing plans for Pepin County

Doug McCleod


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The mission behind the creative campaign for Pepin County, WI stems from the concept that even though a lack of awareness and recognition currently exists, a path towards improving upon this current unfamiliarity can be achieved in a four-step process. We believe that implementing a series of creative materials across traditional and digital mediums can quickly get the word out about everything the location can provide for consumers. By taking these initial steps forward to develop a fresh brand identity for marketing, we can begin to position Pepin County as the “hidden gem” among those larger and more recognized competitors in the region. Development of community infrastructure and large-scale hosting capabilities can soon unfold as the county’s reputation builds among consumer groups and media outlets, and the county can eventually blossom to become one of the premiere tourism destinations along both the Mississippi River and across the Midwest region.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

University Faculty Contact
Doug McCleod

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