Organizational Models for the Monroe Cultural Collaborative


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The purpose of this project is to identify potential organizational models that the Monroe
Cultural Collaborative (MCC) could emulate for the purpose of more efficient and effective
stewardship of the arts in City of Monroe. For this purpose, we conducted market research on
arts organizations from different parts of the United States based on similar demographics, in
similarly sized communities, and with a similar number and variety of participating
organizations. Based on the results from our market research, we interviewed stakeholders and
key members of arts organizations within MCC to assess the needs of MCC and the feasibility of
various organizational models for MCC.
The report is structured with an executive summary which highlights the top-level key
findings and recommendations, followed by a detailed section on our findings from arts
organizations from our market research, and a detailed section on our findings from interviewing
stakeholders. Each of the section contains an overview about the selected arts organizations and
their organizational structure and operations.
Key findings and recommendations
● Main goal of the formation of MCC is to enhance and facilitate communication in the
Monroe arts community and to engage the local community in the arts.
● Organizations within MCC will need to show commitment in the first year of formation as a
key success factor; clear communication and regular attendance of meetings are crucial for
the success of MCC.
● Rotational leadership and/or steering committee(s) is essential to share responsibilities
among members.
● The consensus is that a shared calendar will be useful; further discussion is needed to discuss
the specifics of the shared calendar by MCC members.
● Volunteers from the high school are highly welcomed by organizations within MCC that
have a shortage of volunteers.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

UniverCity Year Contact Info
Gavin Luter
Managing Director

University Faculty Contact
Jennifer Yao
Student Group

Local Government / Community Contact
Kathy Hennessy
Monroe Cultural Collaborative
Executive Director of Monroe Arts Center

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