Positively Apache Junction (1/2)


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User Experience, a course about improving online
experiences of internet users, evaluated the visitor page of Apache
Junction’s website (ajcity.net) for issues and recommendations for
improvement. Students determined that its visitor page is difficult
to navigate, and lacking in relevant information. Because of these
challenges, users may be driven away from the website and, as a
result, may be discouraged from visiting Apache Junction. However, by
improving navigation and website content, ajcity.net’s visitor page can
help improve the city’s image and attract tourists. The students presented
a series of recommendations for improvements, including repairing
broken links, embedding related videos directly on the website, and
putting the most relevant information—like sites to see, where to stay, and
where to eat—within easy view. Improving such visitor content on the site
is top priority.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Project Cities Contact Info
Steven Russell
Program Manager

University Faculty Contact
Evan Jordan
School of Community Resources and Development
Assistant Professor

Local Government / Community Contact
Matt McNulty
Community Relations


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