Public Relations Research and Campaigns


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The fall 2016 Public Relations Research and Campaigns course (JOUR 440) worked on promotion
of the 4th Avenue Arts Corridor in Edmonds, WA. Students in the course were organized into four
competing teams, with each team simulating the activities of a private-sector public relations
consulting firm. The instructor circulated an RFP (Request for Proposals) that described the needs
of the “client.” In this case, the client was the City of Edmonds, which sought help promoting the
Arts Corridor. Edmonds staff visited campus on September 29 and provided a common project
briefing to the four teams. Each team then proceeded independently, gathering survey-based
research data in Edmonds and conducting additional stakeholder interviews. On December 1,
Edmonds staff visited campus to receive presentations from the four teams, as well as booklets
describing each team’s campaign concept. Upon review of the booklets, Edmonds chose KAY PR
as the winner of the competition. The four campaign booklets are collected in this document, with
the booklet prepared by KAY PR featured first.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Jennifer Keller

Local Government / Community Contact
Frances Chapin

Arts & Culture Program Manager, Edmonds

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