Researching childcare cooperatives for economic sustainability in Outagamie County

Courtney Berner


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Project Lead Faculty
Courtney Berner

During the spring 2022 semester, the students in AAE 323 worked on a project to help Outagamie County understand and evaluate cooperative solutions to their childcare crisis. The following report includes the work students completed regarding various cooperative models that are used for delivering childcare services. The report includes sections on parent led cooperatives, worker owned cooperatives, employer led cooperatives, and shared services
cooperatives and networks. Each section includes a description of the cooperative type, a short case study of a specific cooperative of that type, and analysis of how that type of cooperative may or may not be a good fit for Outagamie County. The students assigned to complete the worker owned cooperative portion of this report, did not complete the assignment correctly, so there is not a case study on a worker owned child care cooperatives.

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