Salinas Road Diet – W. Alisal


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For the Salinas Sustainable City Year Project, we believe that converting the road into two one-way lanes with bike lanes on each side would positively influence alternative modes of transportation such as using the bus, riding a bike, or carpooling. The main stakeholders would be students and staff from Hartnell College along with residents on W. Alisal St. and the surrounding business community. The success of this program greatly relies on the support of the community and their willingness to work together to mitigate flaws in the design design and enhance it for future projects. The problem with the four lane road on W. Alisal is that there are no bike lanes present, which means bikers have a small space for them to ride on the road in between the cars parked and the moving cars or they have to ride on the sidewalk for their safety. People attending Hartnell who park on the street have to run across the street to avoid cars because there are limited crosswalks and aren’t clearly marked. This road is structured for alternative modes of transportation and with the road diet in place, the surrounding stakeholders will be more safe. This project is intended to increase the livability around the W. Alisal community and encourage other forms of transportation.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Years Program Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Daniel Fernandez
Natural Sciences
Professor, School of Natural Sciences

Local Government / Community Contact
James Serrano
Department of Public Works
Transportation Manager

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