Southeast Tennessee Regional Greenway Plan


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Project Lead Faculty

In this course, students will develop a vision plan for a greenway and trail
system to connect destinations in the greater Chattanooga region. The first
step is to complete an inventory of existing and planned greenways, trails –
plus natural areas, recreation parks and other potential greenway destinations.
Once an inventory is complete, potential routes that enhance regional
connectivity between these destinations and connect existing greenways to
the larger system can be identified. Route planning needs to be influenced
by careful consideration of land-use analysis, environmental considerations,
implementation feasibility, community benefits, and project impact. Evaluate
project alternatives using standardized evaluation methods. Impact areas
include: economic, social, health, and environmental benefits from the regional
greenway network.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Smart Communities Initiative Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Tracy Moir-McClean

Local Government / Community Contact
Chuck Hammonds

Assistant Executive Director

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