Urban Agriculture Opportunities


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Pfugerville is one of the fastest growing cites in the United States,
with estmates that high rates of growth will contnue into the
foreseeable future. As part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan the City
of Pfugerville is working towards increasing the amount and diversity
of housing with a special focus on building a dynamic and inclusive
community. Students in the Urban Studies Research Methods course
set out to understand the current housing situaton in Pfugerville
through analyzing Census data and surveying 350 current residents.
They combined this informaton with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan
and case studies from other cites to propose a number of housing
optons for Pfugerville to consider for future development.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Texas CityLab Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Katherine Lowell

Local Government / Community Contact
Emily Barron

Planning Director

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