Urban Forestry


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During Pfugerville’s comprehensive city planning process citzens listed parks,
trails and open space as one of the top fve livability elements in Pfugerville,
and a top three priority for Pfugerville’s development over the next ten years.
Pfugerville’s urban tree canopy is an important component of the city’s open
space and the city has invested resources in protectng and expanding the
canopy. The Pfugerville 2030 Comprehensive Plan sets goals to contnue
this expansion and to further community involvement in urban forestry
eforts. Students in the Resource Management class researched traditonal
and innovatve opportunites to meet these goals. Their work captures best
practces; identfes potental locatons; conducts a cost and beneft analysis;
and, discusses how to approach urban forestry over the next ten years.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Texas CityLab Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Robert Young
Community & Regional Planning

Local Government / Community Contact
Emily Barron

Planning Director

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