Watershed Restoration Prioritization Project

The goal is to serve DoE’s mission to improve water quality and satisfy the Federal Mandate to meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) requirement of reducing nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment in Prince George’s watersheds by 2025. The requirement is set by the EPA. Currently design teams select […]

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A Review of Stakeholder Feedback and Indicator Analysis for the Maryland Environmental Justice Screening Tool

Background: A wealth of research has shown that communities of color and low-income populations have been disproportionately burdened by environmental hazards and locally unwanted land uses (LULUs) including incinerators, power plants, landfills, and other pollution- intensive facilities. Unfortunately, the State of Maryland has made little progress in constructing tools to assess and address environmental injustice […]

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Harford County Bel Air Bicycle Network Study

In 2013, Harford County adopted a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that establishes goals and priorities for improving the County’s bicycle and pedestrian networks and connecting to key destinations throughout the County. In 2018, Harford County engaged with the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Capstone Studio at the University of Maryland to develop a more comprehensive […]

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Environmental Analysis and Development Potential in the Creswell Area of Harford County, MD

This project was undertaken as part of the UMD PALS program by graduate Landscape Architecture students in LARC 642 in the fall of 2018. It contributes to a series of courses addressing the development potential of the Creswell study area in Harford County. The objectives of this course were threefold: 1. Identify abiotic, biotic, and […]

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Sewer System Alternatives Evaluation for Potential Creswell Area Expansion in Harford County

This report summarizes the findings of the ENCE422 Fall 2018 class term project. Students were tasked with evaluating sewer system alternatives for the Creswell area expansion in Harford County. Student groups were to consider environmental impacts, community/social impacts, and perform financial analysis for the alternatives they chose to evaluate. This report extracts information from 14 […]

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The Harford County Artistic Destination Map

In September 2018, Greg Pizzuto, Director of Tourism for Harford County, Maryland gave a presentation of the county’s tourism information as shown on their website: https://visitharford.com. The county is exploring tourism-related initiatives but also seeking additional help in innovative ideas and methods to present areas of interest to the public. Through the Partnership for Action […]

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Thoughtful Interventions Brookside Gardens, Montgomery County, MD

The Brookside Gardens project focuses on three major spaces; the Visitors Center Plaza and Lawn, the Azalea Garden, and the Camellia Garden. The project focuses on thoughtful interventions for these areas that provide ADA pathways, connections between gardens, stormwater solutions, gathering spaces, and plantings.This project has been created by the students of the University of […]

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