Strategic Public Relations Plan: Willamalance Center for Sports and Recreation

This report concerning the Willamalane Center for Sports and Recreation is a compilation of student work and includes a public relations plan, research analysis, and implementation materials. Students assessed the key challenges and opportunities and performed a SWOT analysis of Willamalane Center’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. For the two target audiences (regular renters and […]

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City of Tigard Civic Ecology, Planning, and Urban Design

This report describes a new vision for the city of Tigard; one that can realize the city’s goals in the downtown area and could conceivably chart a new path for growth centered around the possibility of light rail transit. The students participating in the PSU Urban Design Workshop were encouraged to think radically and imaginatively […]

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Revitalization Area Planning Toolkit

This project would complement the Pierce Transit High Capacity Transit feasibility and design study by working with local businesses and residents within a walk distance of two key intersections along the Pacific Avenue corridor at S 38th and S 56th, to explore place-making strategies that could be implemented in conjunction with transit station construction and […]

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Transit Station Area Placemaking

This project would complement the Pierce Transit High Capacity Transit feasibility and design study by working with local businesses and residents within a walk distance of two key intersections along the Pacific Avenue corridor at S 38th and S 56th, to explore place-making strategies that could be implemented in conjunction with transit station construction and […]

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Spring Creek Watershed Water Forum

This project will inform the community of stakeholders of water resources in the region as to potential divergent positions and issues, as well as opinions and attitudes towards an integrated regional water management approach. Student research and role play will identify stakeholders’ values and perceptions with the goal of framing procedures towards future resolution while […]

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Public Engagement with Diverse Communities in Medford

This report begins with a summary of some important context for the project, including a brief history of Latino settlement patterns in Medford and key demographic data. In the next section, we describe the methods and strategies we used to plan and execute our outreach event. It is our hope that the methodology described in […]

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Recycling Marketing Plan For Foxdale Village

This project will expand on a past SCC project in spring 2015 that evaluated Foxdale’s recycling program. Students will identify ways to motivate residents to recycle and how to increase interest in sustainability as a community and as individuals Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info […]

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2018 Beaufort County Transportation Needs Assessment

This project was part of the USCB’s Students Connected. USCB communication studies students were given the opportunity to explore and apply communica- tion research methods to a transportation project sponsored by the community partner, Together for Beaufort County. This project included an extensive four- pronged data collection with four groups of students collecting and analyzing […]

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Club House Beaufort County – Messaging and Recruitment Plan

This project was part of USCB’s Students Connected experiential learning program. USCB public health students were given the opportunity to work with the Beaufort County Clubhouse to develop and propose a social marketing campaign to recruit community members to volunteer as Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSSs) for Clubhouse members in Beaufort County. Read the final […]

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Sustainability Employee Training

This project will continue the fall 2015 project to produce a module for new and existing employee training. The module will encourage and support the corporate culture of the borough as a sustainable community. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tom Hogan […]

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