Club House Beaufort County – Messaging and Recruitment Plan

This project was part of USCB’s Students Connected experiential learning program. USCB public health students were given the opportunity to work with the Beaufort County Clubhouse to develop and propose a social marketing campaign to recruit community members to volunteer as Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSSs) for Clubhouse members in Beaufort County. Read the final […]

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Sustainability Employee Training

This project will continue the fall 2015 project to produce a module for new and existing employee training. The module will encourage and support the corporate culture of the borough as a sustainable community. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tom Hogan […]

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Nonprofit Optimization: La Pine Senior Center Startegic Planning

This paper is presented to the La Pine Senior Center and the city of La Pine by the University of Oregon’s spring 2018 Nonprofit Management Consultancy capstone course. A team of three graduate students spent a ten-week term interviewing stakeholders, researching the organization and the market, performing an analysis, and ultimately providing recommendations to increase […]

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Winter Weather Route Response Optimization for the City of Bellevue

This project consists of conducting research and making recommendations on how to use a Public-Private Partnership model to redevelop city-owned property for public benefit. Examples include building affordable commercial space above a public parking garage, building artist housing in BelRed, and building a campus for a creative arts college. Deliverables may include recommendations on how […]

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Redmond Municipal Airport Market Assets Report

This project developed a strategic branding and marketing program for the airport to maximize marketing and advertising. Roberts Field functions as the Municipal Airport for Redmond, OR, servicing the residents of Central Oregon. Roberts Field benefits from high tourism year-round in Central Oregon. Central Oregon includes Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties. Deschutes County was the […]

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Business-to-business, Auburn business collaboration

This multi-pronged project will enable Auburn’s residents and local businesses to connect with each other. Students will develop a website and mobile application to gain information about local businesses and buy products and services. The project will also include a marketing component, helping local businesses to better advertise to a wider audience. In the fall […]

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TOD at Gresham Crossings

This interdisciplinary design studio focused on scenarios for multi-story, multi-unit transit oriented development for the 4.4 acre site, located across from Gresham Crossing in Gresham, OR. The studio program consisted largely of compact residential apartments and shared outdoor spaces that provide value for people and nonhuman inhabitants. This studio ultimately demonstrated that vibrant, dense development […]

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Cultural Neighborhood Mapping

This is part of a year-long engagement with this project. During the fall quarter, students will identify and summarize available data to help describe Auburn’s 5 neighborhoods. Students will conduct stakeholder interviews, and will identify aspects of shared identity and diversity. Students will create a community profile of each of Auburn’s 5 neighborhoods to support […]

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