Shaping Light

This course was comprised of three major exercises: the design of a light modulating screen; the design of a sun shading device for Gresham City Hall’s west-facing facade; and the design of a light rail station at Civic Drive and Rockwood Station. This report describes in detail all three projects and includes samples of student […]

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Study of Preparation for Emergencies and Disasters in Auburn

This course will conduct a situation analysis of Auburn residents’ understanding of the risks of natural and man-made disasters, and propose policy and program interventions to improve disaster preparedness. Proposals will include policy and programs that address both individual and community-level components as well as best practices in relation to cultural competence. Read the final […]

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Cultural Fieldwork in Downtown Springfield, Oregon

This document describes a project carried out for the City of Springfield, Oregon, by graduate students in Art In Society (AAD 450/550), a course offered by the University of Oregon’s Arts and Administration Program and taught by Dr. John Fenn during Fall Term 2012. The project’s goal was to increase visitor and resident access to […]

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Water, Microecologies + Density

This advanced level research and development focused design studio explored the potential synergies between transit-oriented development (TOD) and habitat sensitive and low impact design. Students were asked to generate dense schemes closely tied to non-motorized transit infrastructure that were rich with green (living) amenities and that support the ecological health of the local community and […]

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Gresham City Hall

Thirteen schemes were developed for the Gresham City Hall project under the Sustainable Cities Initiative during the winter term of 2010. Each group took a unique approach to the challenges and opportunities presented. All were concerned with density, creating viable public space, displaying sustainable systems, creating a ‘democratic’ building that emphasized public participation and visual […]

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Livability Synthesis

This course builds on the work of several fall quarter projects, including the Connectivity Element for Comprehensive Plan and Community Place-Making, and integrates, advances or deepens the findings of those projects. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Livable City Year Contact Info Teri Thomson Randall Program Manager 206.221.9240 University […]

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WRF Biosolids Alternatives Market Analysis

The University of Oregon Master of Business Administra on and Master of Accoun ng students collaborated in Joshua Skov’s graduate-level course in Industrial Ecology (MGMT 641), inves ga ng the possibili es for the marke ng and sale of outputs from the treatment of wastewater (sewage) at the Albany Water Reclama on Facility. In the […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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