Strategic Public Relations Plan: Springfield Public Library

Springfield Public Library has been a fixture in the community for 104 years and was established in its current location in Springfield City Hall in 1981. The Library is planning for a new library facility and has tasked this class to develop a Strategic Public Relations Plan based on research surveys and interviews. Students performed […]

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Springfield Public Library Research

Springfield Public Library is currently seeking ways to encourage growth in community involvement. Students and faculty collaborated with city staff to explore and expand the scope of inquiry. Research was conducted by University of Oregon students in Professor Patricia Curtin’s Strategic Communication Research Methods course. Students conducted primary and secondary research in order to assess […]

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Strategic Public Relations Plan: Springfield’s Adopt-A-Waterway Program

Springfield believes that most pollution by residents can be attributed to a lack of awareness and have tasked this class of Journalism and Communications students to conduct a public relations campaign and make recommendations on which characteristics of the Adopt-A-Waterway program would be most appealing to residents. This report contains a Strategic Public Relations Plan […]

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Multi-Residential Recycling And Energy Conservation

State College Borough is home to about 30 fraternity houses off campus. In an effort to reduce its carbon footprint, the borough would like to increase recycling and energy conservation behaviors among multi-residential housing occupants and in particular in fraternities in the borough. Students in BA 442 are to determine effective messaging based on research […]

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Transportation Revenue in the Age of New Mobility

Significant changes in transportation technology will change the way cities collect revenue and fund infrastructure projects. Forward thinking cities like Eugene, Oregon and Gresham, Oregon are already considering what may happen when residents rely on electric cars, autonomous vehicles (AVs), fleets of shared cars, bikes, and e-scooters. Given cities’ current reliance on revenue from gasoline […]

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Local Government Hr Policy Addressing Nepotism

Small, rural communities often struggle with a small pool of prospective employees, leading to often unintentional favoritism. Borough management is seeking recommendations on how to best address current limitations through policy. Students are asked to provide sample policies and actions to be considered in creating a more egalitarian work environment. Read the final student report […]

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Preserving South Portland

Situated between Marquam Hill and the Willamette River, South Portland is a unique remnant of Portland’s past. Its history encompasses the city’s immigrant roots, industrial prowess, and tumultuous early urban development. In its current state, it is an isolated fragment of historic Portland surrounded by increasing urban growth. The potential impacts of development within the […]

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Lair Hill-Barbur Boulevard Synagogue Historic Preservation

Situated between Marquam Hill and the Willamette River, South Portland is a unique remnant of Portland’s past. Its history encompasses the city’s immigrant roots, industrial prowess, and tumultuous early urban development. In its current state, it is an isolated fragment of historic Portland surrounded by increasing urban growth. The potential impacts of development within the […]

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Clean Energy Solutions: TriMet Community Solar

Solar power is growing in the US. By 2017 nearly 2% of the total US generation capacity was provided by solar power. The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), has helped to grow the industry since 2006. Prices have been falling, more than 70% since 2010, attracting more interest as individuals look for ways to reduce […]

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Ruston Way Environmental Design Challenge

Ruston Way is one of the City’s most popular destinations, comprised of linear parks and recreation, interspersed with water enjoyment uses and commercial offices. However, the design of the waterfront dates from the early 1980’s and the use of the waterfront has changed significantly. The City of Tacoma and Metro Parks Tacoma have signed a […]

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