North Downtown Waterfront Development: Building Design Proposals

During the Fall 2010 and Winter 2011 academic terms at the University of Oregon, twelve students in an architecture studio course worked with the City of Salem to develop twelve different architectural programs and designs for the redevelopment of Salem’s North Downtown Waterfront.Proposals include a Salem river research center, brewpubs, museums, recreation centers, hotels, and […]

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North Downtown Waterfront Development: Urban Design Proposals

During the fall 2010 academic term at the University of Oregon, five groups of three students in an architecture studio course worked with the City of Salem to develop five schemes for the redevelopment of the North Downtown Waterfront. The students investigated existing site conditions and a variety of factors influencing development of this particular […]

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Viability Research for a Small Business Incubator in Richards Valley

Does data make a Smart Building? Understanding your energy and water performance through a benchmarked “score” (e.g., a rating that compares against your peers such as the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey or EPA Portfolio Manager) is often touted as the first step to energy management. However, every building operator says that their building is […]

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Salem Streetlights: Solutions for a Sustainable System

Currently, the City of Salem provides approximately 10,500 streetlights for the safety and well-being of its residents. These streetlights cost the city roughly 1.5 million dollars per year in combined electricity and maintenance costs, representing 20 percent of Public Works Department expenditures. The city uses a combination of ownership and rental options in partnership with […]

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Solar Panel Feasibility Study For The Student Farm

Currently, the Student Farm at Penn State has five sheds located on the one-acre lot. There is no access to electricy on the site. The farm seeks to examine feasibility for installing solar panels on the shed roofs to generate enough energy to power a computer and rechargeable tools. Read the final student report delivered […]

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State College Borough Pedestrian And Vehicular Safety Awareness

COMM 473 students will create a campaign to raise awareness and provide information to motorists and pedestrians of State College. The campaign will promote safety throughout the borough and enhance the borough’s reputation as a pedestrian-friendly and bike-friendly community. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info […]

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Public Relations Campaign For Centred Outdoors Summer Challenge

COMM 473 students will develop a PR campaign for Centred Outdoors. They will develop a media plan, media objectives, aproduction timetable, and budget. They will use traditional and online media channels and consider different audiences to reach in Centre County. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact […]

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Nolanville Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive plans are “the central organizing umbrella under which other plans, regulations, and initiatives exist.” They typically have long-range planning horizons between 20 and 30 years. These public documents, along with relevant zoning maps, can be used to guide, support, and justify city land use and decision-making in the future. A comprehensive plan should include […]

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