Parks & Recreation Foundation Partner Coordination

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in three groups to advise Albany community members and city staff in three distinct subject areas. Students assessed the current state of the Albany Senior Center Foundation (ASCF), the Albany Parks and Recreation Foundation (APRF), and the Albany Parks and Recreation Department (APRD) to provide detailed recommendations for […]

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Assessing the Potential for Nonprofit Organizations in Redmond, Oregon

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in four groups to provide nonprofit advice to Redmond community members and city staff in four separate subject-areas. Students assessed the feasibility of establishing nonprofit organizations for a community foundation, a family justice center, a cultural arts center, and a housing shelter.Students assessed organizational needs and recommended solutions […]

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Salem Transportation Saftey Analysis

Portland State University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering explored various traffic safety concerns in the City of Salem. The Salem Transportation Safety Analysis was conducted by Portland State University civil engineering students. Intersections with high crash statistics and other safety issues were selected by the City of Salem for evaluation. Some of the locations […]

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Strategic Public Relations Plan & Client Materials

Over 10 weeks, a team of students in J454, the Public Relations Campaigns class at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, conducted primary and secondary research to enhance their understanding of the Redmond Wastewater Division, how it operates, and its position in the City of Redmond and the larger realm of public […]

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City of Redmond Community Engagment Plan

Over the course of 10 weeks, students in Public Relations Campaigns (J454) at the University of Oregon collaborated with City of Redmond officials and staff to identify goals, objectives, target audiences, strategies, and tactics that would help to increase civic engagement among the residents of Redmond. The ultimate goal of the project was to create […]

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The Effect of Neighborhood Watch Programs on Neighborhood Crime in Medford Oregon

Over the past decade Medford Oregon expanded their Neighborhood Watch program and increased the number of neighborhood watch groups they have in each section of the city. Using robust panel regression analysis we studied what effect this program had on crime rates of the treated areas. Our data included total number of crimes across 7 […]

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Regional Multi-Sports Complex Feasibility Analysis

In winter term 2016, students in the Business Planning and Strategy Projects class (BA 453) in the Lundquist School of Business at the University of Oregon (UO) conducted an analysis for a proposed regional multi-­sports complex in Redmond, Oregon. A group of organizations within the region are exploring a regional multi-­sports complex. Initial parties include: […]

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