North Downtown Waterfront Development: Urban Design Proposals

During the fall 2010 academic term at the University of Oregon, five groups of three students in an architecture studio course worked with the City of Salem to develop five schemes for the redevelopment of the North Downtown Waterfront. The students investigated existing site conditions and a variety of factors influencing development of this particular […]

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North Downtown Waterfront Development: Building Design Proposals

During the Fall 2010 and Winter 2011 academic terms at the University of Oregon, twelve students in an architecture studio course worked with the City of Salem to develop twelve different architectural programs and designs for the redevelopment of Salem’s North Downtown Waterfront.Proposals include a Salem river research center, brewpubs, museums, recreation centers, hotels, and […]

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Salem Streetlights: Solutions for a Sustainable System

Currently, the City of Salem provides approximately 10,500 streetlights for the safety and well-being of its residents. These streetlights cost the city roughly 1.5 million dollars per year in combined electricity and maintenance costs, representing 20 percent of Public Works Department expenditures. The city uses a combination of ownership and rental options in partnership with […]

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Enviornmental Law: Green Building, Graywater, and Stormwater

As part of the Sustainable City Year partnership with the City of Salem, five students from the University of Oregon School of Law’s Environmental Law Clinic course researched sustainable building and stormwater management, focusing on topics including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, the use of graywater, and sustainable stormwater management tools. The […]

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Future-Proofing Comprehensive Plans in Eugene and Gresham

As part of the Sustainable City Year Program, students in Rebecca Lewis’s Growth Management course were asked to assess the comprehensive plans of the cities of Eugene and Gresham, Oregon. Students sought to determine each city’s readiness for the deployment of new mobility services and autonomous vehicle and the continued growth of e-commerce deliveries, along […]

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Sustainable Suburbs

As part of the year-long partnership between the University and the City of Gresham, the Sustainable Suburbs studio focused on the Rockwood neighborhood and called for students to propose six development schemes for this area. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info Megan Banks Sustainable […]

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Salem Strategic Economic Prospersity Plan

As part of its year‐long collaboration with the University of Oregon Sustainable City Year program, the City of Salem Economic Development Division engaged with the Community Planning Workshop (CPW) to conduct a Strategic Economic Prosperity Plan. The plan is a five‐year internal action plan that is intended to help the City and its economic development […]

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City of Gresham- Program for a New City Hall

As a programming class we were charged with developing a comprehensive program for a new Gresham City Hall building. We started initially researching the city of Gresham by examining past articles about the challenges the city has faced during its development. We found out the city has had problems with creating a sense of identity […]

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Springfield Wayfinding Design

As a way to commemorate Springfield’s proud history and bright future, design students were assigned to create a new wayfinding signage design. The previous wayfinding design had many redundancies and inconsistencies, so to address this, design students created new and consistent wayfinding design systems. The new signage systems are meant to help citizens and tourists […]

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