Data Sharing to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Green County

Opioid Crisis in Green County The Healthy Community Coalition of Green County, WI, has identified reducing substance abuse as a high priority goal (Green County, 2018). Opioid use in particular is concerning; Wisconsin as a whole is in the midst of a drug overdose epidemic driven by opioids (Wisconsin DHS, 2017). Between 2013-2015, Green County […]

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Strategies for Infill Development in Monroe

Monroe Redevelopment Authority has identified 7 sites that would be ideal for redevelopment. These seven sights are primarily owned by the city and are currently under used or entirely vacant lots. All 7 sites would be ideal for either residential development, commercial development, or mixed use. The primary goals of redevelopment in these areas are […]

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Juda School Renewable Energy Generation

Juda School, located in a small town with a population of 357 in southcentral Wisconsin, teaches grades Pre-K through 12th grade (Figure 1A & 1B). In recent years, the school has made great strides in developing a more sustainable school by upgrading to efficient fixtures and installing 36 rooftop solar panels. Juda School has requested […]

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Procuring a Solar Energy System for Juda School

Juda School, located in a small town with a population of 357 in southcentral Wisconsin, teaches grades Pre-K through 12th grade (Figure 1A & 1B). In recent years, it has made great strides in developing a more sustainable school by upgrading to efficient fixtures and installing 36 rooftop solar panels. Juda School has requested students […]

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Marketing Proposals for Monticello School District

In the past few years, the Monticello School District has been benefitting from the State of Wisconsin’s open enrollment policy, meaning that more students living in the district are attending Monticello than are going to schools in other districts. This is important to maintaining the school’s resource base. One goal of the messages produced for […]

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Towards Safe, Efficient Transportation Networks

Identify and map unsafe transportation cooridors in Monona Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 University Faculty Contact A-Xing Zhu Geography Professor (608) 262-0272 Local Government / Community Contact Brad Bruun Public Works Project Manager/GIS Specialist 608-222-2525 […]

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Increasing Bystander Naloxone Distribution and Training for Prevention of Opiod Overdoses in Green County

Green County Health Services Department’s (GCHSD) Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (AODA) unit is committed to helping individuals in their community fight chemical dependencies and substance abuse through primary treatment services, recovery, prevention, emergency care, and the dissemination of information on addiction. In 2018, GCHSD AODA recognizes that there is capacity to improve the resources […]

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Improving Access, Connecting Patients, and Reducing Stigma: A Mental Health Navigator for Green County

Green County Human Services proposed the creation of a mental health navigator (MHN) position to address the community need for improved connection to mental health resources. In this report we provide a brief literature review of the public health significance of this topic generally and in the context of Green County. We discuss relevant community […]

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Addressing Food Deserts in Green County

Food and nutrition insecurity impact people across the world, including populations in both urban and rural areas of the United States. Food insecurity and its dimensions – access, availability, utilization and stability – often impact low-income, minority, or geographically isolated populations. Yet the issue remains invisible due to the distance many people have from this […]

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