Parking and Land Use

Review Minnetonka’s existing minimum parking regulations, and explore innovative parking management strategies and best practices to inform an update to the city’s parking ordinance. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Jason Cao Public Affairs Local Government / Community Contact Susan Thomas Principal […]

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Transit-Oriented Zoning

Research transit‐oriented zoning district models in comparable suburban contexts, and recommend guidelines for the city’s financial and policy role in future redevelopment projects at the major station areas in Minnetonka along the proposed Southwest Light-Rail Transit line. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty […]

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Parking and Land Use

Review Minnetonka’s existing minimum parking regulations, and explore innovative parking management strategies and best practices to inform an update to the city’s parking ordinance. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Jeff Matson Geography Local Government / Community Contact Susan Thomas Principal Planner, […]

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Victoria Firefighter Recruitment/Retention and Staffing Model Study

Review the City of Victoria’s firefighter staffing model and identify options for meeting increased service needs that will result from anticipated future population growth. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Cambell Psychology Local Government / Community Contact Laurie Hokkanen […]

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Post-Development Critique

Revisit three previous developments—the Glen Lake Redevelopment Project, the Crest Ridge Corporate Center, and the Goodwill Industries Development—that were contentious at the time the projects were under review by the city to determine if community goals were met and neighborhood concerns were addressed; recommend improvements to the review process to ensure that all parties’ concerns […]

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Community Gathering Spaces

Research the characteristics of place-making in a suburban setting and identify opportunities for place-making through redesign or redevelopment. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Paula Pentel Local Government / Community Contact Dan Schultz Parks and Recreation Director, City of Rosemount […]

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Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Research how connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) will reshape urban design, land use, and transportation in rural and suburban communities; how are plans being made to anticipate these changes, how should large entertainment destinations/venues and freight land use clusters plan and design? Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities […]

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Evaluating Eminent Domain Settlements for Highway Projects

Research local eminent domain processes that improve infrastructure projects and yet protects land owners and tax payer interests; conduct a policy analysis on how Eminent Domain Statutory changes have impacted local highway projects focusing on cost increases and settlement rates resulting from the 2008 statutory changes. Read the final student report delivered to the local […]

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Community Gathering Spaces

Research the characteristics of place-making in a suburban setting and identify opportunities for place-making through redesign or redevelopment. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Roslye Ultan Liberal Studies Local Government / Community Contact Dan Schultz Parks and Recreation Director, City of Rosemount […]

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Building Community Resilience to Emergencies among Vulnerable Populations

Ramsey County Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (RCEMHS) has a knowledge gap in vital information about preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters in vulnerable communities. This study focused on three key vulnerable communities within Ramsey County: older adults (60 years or older), children under five, and the Karen population. Qualitative analysis […]

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