Wilbarger Creekside District

The City of Pfugerville has identfed the Wilbarger Creekside District as a potental site for residental and commercial actvites that can absorb antcipated populaton growth. The District is outside of Pfugerville city limits but stll within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdicton. The District is anchored by Wilbarger Creek, a 42-mile creek with a 116,000 acre watershed […]

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Land Use Scenarios for Leander

Sustainable Land Use Planning classwork focused on two curricular units, each informing the development of land use scenarios for the City of Leander. The first part provided background information on the history, institutional frameworks, purpose, principles and values inherent in land use and comprehensive planning today. The second part covered the background analytic and participatory […]

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Understanding Homelessness

Students in this course looked to peer communities around the country for best practices for addressing homelessness. To choose the communities, they searched for those with characteristics like climate, population, and unemployment rate that were similar to those of Apache Junction, as well as communities making promising strides, which they then vetted with Apache Junction […]

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Sustainability & Solid Waste

Students in this course focused on understanding the current and potential impacts of Apache Junction’s existing solid waste management. To get a wider perspective, students broke into two teams. The first analyzed complaints filed with Apache Junction and Pinal County regarding solid waste, looking for trends and insights. This team also reviewed the city’s online […]

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Pecan Street Corridor Design

Students in the Transit Planning course were tasked with identfying key crossings and future land uses that could beneft from pedestrian and bicycle transportaton infrastructure. Given future transportaton needs, current best practces for pedestrian and bicycle transportaton, and budget constraints, students have proposed a unifed concept for mixeduse transportaton along and across Pecan Street Read […]

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Sustainability & Solid Waste

Students in this course focused on understanding the current and potential impacts of Apache Junction’s existing solid waste management. To get a wider perspective, students broke into two teams. The first analyzed complaints filed with Apache Junction and Pinal County regarding solid waste, looking for trends and insights. This team also reviewed the city’s online […]

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Green Retrofitting

Students in the Energy Modeling & Design and Introducton to Engineering Design & Graphics courses evaluated a number of city buildings to provide the City of Pfugerville with energy efciency and water use improvement projects. They developed general concepts around energy and water conservaton and provided some optons for existng city-owned building. In completng this […]

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Green Retrofitting

Students in the Energy Modeling & Design and Introducton to Engineering Design & Graphics courses evaluated a number of city buildings to provide the City of Pfugerville with energy efciency and water use improvement projects. They developed general concepts around energy and water conservaton and provided some optons for existng city-owned building. In completng this […]

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New Housing Development Models for Leander

Students in Real Estate Development researched and evaluated the feasibility of sustainable residential development types. Typologies include cohousing, live/work, small multifamily, fourplexes, and townhouses. Working in small groups, each research team developed a 15-20 page report that examines a different housing type. Final reports included case studies or precedents from other cities in similar regions […]

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Preliminary Research Toward a Sustainability Plan for Leander

Students in Dr. Paul Adams’ Urban Studies Research Methods course conducted initial research that builds a foundation for a citywide sustainability plan. Small groups used archival, observation, survey and interview methods to investigate specific aspects of sustainability that Leander’s developing plan could address. Research focused on issues including energy use, water conservation and quality, waste […]

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