Positively Apache Junction (2/2)

https://sustainability.asu.edu/project-cities/news/archive/asu-students-perform-positively-ghostly-scenes-in-apache-junction/ Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Project Cities Contact Info Steven Russell Program Manager steven.russell@asu.edu 480-727-2698 University Faculty Contact Joshua MacFadyen Associate Professor and Senior Sustainability Fellow jdmacfadyen@upei.ca 902-620-5142 Local Government / Community Contact Matt McNulty Community Relations mmcnulty@ajcity.net […]

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Urban Forestry

During Pfugerville’s comprehensive city planning process citzens listed parks, trails and open space as one of the top fve livability elements in Pfugerville, and a top three priority for Pfugerville’s development over the next ten years. Pfugerville’s urban tree canopy is an important component of the city’s open space and the city has invested resources […]

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Land Use Planning

Apache Junction has an abundance of natural assets, is affordable, and is well located at the cusp of Greater Phoenix and the rugged outdoors. However, it does not have a cohesive vision for its future. Through Project Cities, Apache Junction invited ASU courses to participate in four projects. These were related to solid waste management, […]

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Honoring Pflugerville’s History

An open-air commemoratve park located on existng unused lots in the Colored Additon area of Pfugerville ofers a creatve place making opton that honors both the Additon’s heritage and current residents. The site would memorialize the history behind the Additon’s establishment and the stories of the families and organizatons that created and sustained the area. […]

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Zero Waste Innovations for Pflugerville

A number of U.S. cites have begun to implement zero waste policies and practces to reduce solid waste volume and costs. Zero waste aims to eliminate the generaton of waste and toxicity at a variety of scales ranging from restaurants to cites with an emphasis on reducing unnecessary producton and divertng discarded material towards other […]

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Land Use Planning

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Project Cities Contact Info Steven Russell Program Manager steven.russell@asu.edu 480-727-2698 University Faculty Contact Ken Brooks Kenneth.Brooks@asu.edu Local Government / Community Contact Larry Kirch Development Services Director lkirch@ajcity.net 480-474-5082 […]

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Positively Apache Junction (2/2)

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Project Cities Contact Info Steven Russell Program Manager steven.russell@asu.edu 480-727-2698 University Faculty Contact Joshua MacFadyen Associate Professor and Senior Sustainability Fellow jdmacfadyen@upei.ca 902-620-5142 Local Government / Community Contact Matt McNulty Community Relations mmcnulty@ajcity.net […]

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Transitioning Mobile Home Parks (1/2)

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Project Cities Contact Info Steven Russell Program Manager steven.russell@asu.edu 480-727-2698 University Faculty Contact Deirdre Pfeiffer deirdre.pfeiffer@asu.edu Local Government / Community Contact Larry Kirch Development Services Director lkirch@ajcity.net 480-474-5082 […]

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