Realm Housing – A pitch for transitional housing on land being converted to organic agriculture

According to the survey about the farmworkers inside of Salinas Valley and Pajaro Valley between 2001 and 2012(Coile, 2016), farmworkers have many housing problems. Especially the living conditions of farmworkers for example, one statistical data study states that more than 40% farmworkers reported the problem with plumbing, roaches, cracking, and peeling. In addition, the average […]

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East Market Street Community Engagement Project

A city road project was analyzed to understand the sustainability implications to a changing transportation system with goals to move toward better infrastructure and more easily accessible routes to schools. This will, in turn, encourage alternative transportation means and a positive impact on the city. However, in order for this to happen the city needs […]

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Seaside Fire Department Incident Data Analysis

With this knowledge we used the portion of the fire hydrants addresses provided by the city of Seaside fire department to geocode their locations in order to analyze them. With this knowledge we used the portion of the fire hydrants addresses provided by the city of Seaside fire department to geocode their locations in order […]

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Time Spent Eating and Its Effects on Obesity

Within the United States, obesity accounts for over 300,000 deaths a year and prevalence rates have been increasing over the past decade (Maddock, 2004). For example, more than 22 percent of Latino children are considered Obese compared to 14 percent of Caucasian children. The reasons for this disparity is not clear. Recent work suggests that […]

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Modelling the Impact of the W. Alisal Road Diet on bus transportation in Salinas

We built our project around how this road diet would affect a specific aspect of W. Alisal street, and we chose to focus on the MST bus system. Our simple hypothesis for the Salinas project was: when the road diet is implemented, the MST transit system will take longer to get from point A to […]

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