Assessing Ridesharing Opportunities for Big Lake

Many residents of the City of Big Lake commute to the Twin Cities suburbs, Minneapolis, or Saint Paul for work each day. The City would like to take a more active role in facilitating the creation of ridesharing options to help residents save money, reduce wear and tear on roads, and reduce air pollution. Students […]

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Decreasing Use of Plastic Shopping Bags

Many communities around the country and world have recognized the harmful effects that plastic shopping bags have on the environment and have instituted bans or taxes on their use. Elk River is home to one of the state’s largest municipal solid waste landfills. The landfill staff and community often deal with plastic shopping bag litter […]

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Decreasing Use of Plastic Shopping Bags

Many communities around the country and world have recognized the harmful effects that plastic shopping bags have on the environment and have instituted bans or taxes on their use. Elk River is home to one of the state’s largest municipal solid waste landfills. The landfill staff and community often deal with plastic shopping bag litter […]

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Preventing Littering at Transit Stops

Litter at transit stops adversely affects environmental quality and contributes to negative perceptions of transit stops and transit riding. Metro Transit would like transit stops to be a comfortable waiting space for transit riders. Students will develop a behavior change campaign for selected transit stops in the Twin Cities to deter littering and promote comfortable […]

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Exploring Issues of Funding and Policy for Affordable Living

In collaboration with PLACE, students will select research topics to explore issues of funding and policy for affordable living relevant to the Via development and PLACE’s future development goals. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Partnership Contact Info University Faculty Contact Monica Hartmann Economics 6519625681 Local Government […]

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Examining Bicycle and Pedestrian Saftey on Campus

Facilities at the University of St. Thomas would like to develop a Bike Master Plan that outlines a strategy (including physical resources/infrastructure and programs) to create a campus environment conducive to biking. One component of this effort is examining bicycle and pedestrian safety on campus and around the perimeter of campus. Engineering students will analyze […]

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Examining Bicycle and Pedestrian Saftey on Campus

Facilities at the University of St. Thomas would like to develop a Bike Master Plan that outlines a strategy (including physical resources/infrastructure and programs) to create a campus environment conducive to biking. One component of this effort is examining bicycle and pedestrian safety on campus and around the perimeter of campus. Engineering students will analyze […]

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Fostering Sustainable Behaviors for City Empolyees

Elk River seeks to encourage sustainable behaviors for city employees as part of the City’s overall sustainability strategy and goals. In 2015, Elk River city staff participated in the Class 5 Energy Efficiency Behavior Based Challenge. The challenge involved no cost projects to increase energy efficiency in city buildings through behavior change of city employees. […]

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