River Stories Exhibit: The Mississippi River and Ideas of Sanctuary

The Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization’s (MWMO) education and outreach program seeks to “provide information, services and products to promote responsible stewardship of water and natural resources by the watershed community.” As part of this goal, the MWMO seeks to promote community connections with and understanding of the Mississippi River system. The MWMO’s building serves […]

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Sustainable Landscape Analysis at Metropolitan Council Wastewater Treatment Plants

The Metropolitan Council operates several wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the Twin Cities area. Most of the WWTPs are located adjacent to river corridors, and in some cases form portions of sensitive wildlife habitat and native vegetation areas. Landscape design at the WWTPs has traditionally consisted of traditional mowed turf, which requires constant mowing, occasional […]

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River Stories Exhibit: The Mississippi River and Ideas of Sanctuary

The Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization’s (MWMO) education and outreach program seeks to “provide information, services and products to promote responsible stewardship of water and natural resources by the watershed community.” As part of this goal, the MWMO seeks to promote community connections with and understanding of the Mississippi River system. The MWMO’s building serves […]

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Examining the Urban Tree Canopy

The Metropolitan Council is interested in an exploratory study on the urban tree canopy to inform their future work and research regarding the urban tree canopy. Possible student research questions could include assessing gaps in the canopy, developing community engagement initiatives, examining the relationship between the canopy and stormwater, examining the relationship between the canopy […]

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Examining the Urban Tree Canopy

The Metropolitan Council is interested in an exploratory study on the urban tree canopy to inform their future work and research regarding the urban tree canopy. Possible student research questions could include assessing gaps in the canopy, developing community engagement initiatives, examining the relationship between the canopy and stormwater, examining the relationship between the canopy […]

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Enviornmental Writing and Community Outreach

The Local Planning Assistance work unit at the Metropolitan Council provides technical assistance to communities that are currently drafting their 2040 Comprehensive Plan Updates as required by state statute. Many communities are considering integrating sustainability and resilience planning related to climate change in their Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Council is interested in engaging cities in […]

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Enviornmental Writing and Community Outreach

The Local Planning Assistance work unit at the Metropolitan Council provides technical assistance to communities that are currently drafting their 2040 Comprehensive Plan Updates as required by state statute. Many communities are considering integrating sustainability and resilience planning related to climate change in their Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Council is interested in engaging cities in […]

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Organizational Communication with Volunteers

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards program (MWS) develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven watershed districts […]

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Designing Urban Garden Perimeter Plantings

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, the FWS is preparing to expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to provide […]

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Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]

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