Entrepreneur Environment Research & Program Proposals

The purpose of this project was for students to research successful entrepreneurial environments, community systems and government policies that engage, motivate, attract, and expand entrepreneurial activities in the San Marcos region of influence. Students worked throughout the semester studying environmental problems entrepreneurs face in the launch and growth of a new venture in the surrounding […]

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Research & Program Proposals

Democracy in Action- Senior Center Project

The purpose of the Human Development 497 course collaboration with the City of San Marcos Senior Activity Center (SAC) was to review current volunteer processes and develop strategies for a more efficient structure for the volunteer process. Thirty three students studying with Dr. Eliza Bigham utilized a range of strategies, such as review of the literature from a […]

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An Exploratory Study of Parkingin the Rosemont Housing Development

During the fall semester 2017, a Qualitative Methods in Sociology class at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) partnered with the City of San Marcos and Democracy In Action through the University’s Once of Community Engagement to conduct an exploratory study of parking in San Marcos’ Rosemont neighborhood. Thirty-four undergraduate students collaborated on this multi-faceted […]

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An Exploratory Study of Parking in the Rosemont Housing Development

During the fall semester 2017, a Qualitative Methods in Sociology class at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) partnered with the City of San Marcos and Democracy In Action through the University’s Oce of Community Engagement to conduct an exploratory study of parking in San Marcos’ Rosemont neighborhood. Thirty-four undergraduate students collaborated on this multi-faceted […]

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in the Rosemont Housing Development

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