Bus Shelter Planning and Design

Students will research and provide planning information to inform design criteria for bus shelters as well as strategies for paying for the shelters in accordance to the updated transit plan developed by the Cleveland Urban Area Transit System. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Smart Communities Initiative Contact Info University […]

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Woolen Branch Greenway Extension Planning

Students will research, document and analyze the existing physical condition of the Woolen Mill Branch Corridor and develop conceptual restoration and design proposals to make up a Greenway Vision Plan for the identified area. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Smart Communities Initiative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Brad Collett […]

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Regional Healthcare Athorities Analysis

Students will work under the supervision of a licensed attorney to conduct legal research on regional healthcare authorities (RHCAs). Areas of inquiry could include where RHCAs exist, why and how they were formed, how they are managed, funding and revenue structures, and what services they offer. Students may also investigate federal, state, and local laws […]

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Regional Assets and Opportunities

Students will explore identity and messaging strategies to promote the assets and opportunities of the southeast region. Areas of inquiry could include points of community pride, regional landmarks, tourism and marketing opportunities, economic development strengths, and other place-based assets. Students will develop concept proposals that can be used to promote the unique qualities of the […]

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Sidewalk Planning for Blythe Avenue and the Wildwood/Dalton Pike Area Neighborhoods

Students will complete a comparative analysis and provide Cleveland with at least three alternative routes for sidewalk construction for a section of Blythe Avenue. Students will conduct a sidewalk planning exercise to evaluate alternative routes for connecting adjacent neighborhoods to the Wildwood Avenue/Dalton Pike. The resulting report could become a supporting basis for future federal […]

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Bradley County Health Department Building Renovation

Students will conduct a needs assessment and provide design proposals to the BCHD to improve their staff’s efficiency through the design of their interior spaces. These proposals will later be used to assist the BCHD in their construction fundraising efforts Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Smart Communities Initiative Contact […]

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Central City Brownfield Redevelopment Plan

Students will conduct research and develop four distinct work products analyzing, studying and planning for the future redevelopment or adaptive reuse of strategically identified and selected sites within the City of Cleveland as an opportunity to accommodate anticipated economic (jobs) and population growth, thus mitigating adverse impacts of conventional sprawl patterned growth to scenic and […]

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Downtown Temporary Ice Skating Rink

Students will assess the market for a temporary ice skating rink in downtown Cleveland, including site, positive and negative impact, rink size, period of operation, requirements for installation, operation and site restoration, and economic impact. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Smart Communities Initiative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Ben […]

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Regional Disaster Readiness & Preparedness Initiative

Recognizing Tennessee’s current vulnerability to the impacts of severe hazard events, including but not limited to natural and manmade disasters and crises, the students enrolled in POLS 440, under the tutelage of their teacher, will undertake a thorough, forwardthinking approach to the hazard mitigation planning process by reviewing various disaster preparedness policies and procedures, scenarios […]

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