Economic impact of the Durand-Arkansaw School District


Abigail Becker


Case Type
Project Stories
Sustainable Development Goals
04 Quality Education

There are three ways to measure the impacts of the Durand-Arkansaw School District on the local community. The first, and natural way, is the impact that the school has on its students in terms of their academic and personal development. The second is how the school contributes to the overall quality of life of the community. The third and final is that the school district is a direct source of economic activity because it employs people, who spend their salary/wages in the local economy, and make other purchases (e.g., utilities, office supplies, etc) that represents spending in the local economy. This memo details the results of the last type of impact. Specifically, how does accounting for 158 jobs impact the local economy? Based on the financial data that was provided to me on the 9th, this report shows the results of a “standard” economic impact assessment.

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Managing Director

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