Statstical analysis of Wisconsin Forward Exam math scores


Abigail Becker


Case Type
Project Stories
Sustainable Development Goals
04 Quality Education

In 2015, Wisconsin implemented the Forward Exam to students in elementary, middle, and high school in grades 3 to 8 and 10 in English, mathematics, science, and social studies to assess whether students across the state are achieving proficiency in specific school subjects as outlined in the Wisconsin Academic Standards rubric. Due to the recency of this implementation, there is a dearth of research into whether or not these standards are being met, and whether students across demographics are achieving a similar level of proficiency in subjects.

The purpose of this study, conducted in conjunction with and with assistance from Gretchen Cipirano and Gavin Luter, is to, in at least one school district, identify the students which could potentially most benefit from additional direct educational intervention to help them achieve a higher level of mathematics
proficiency in way that could significantly improve the ranking of the district, and to study various factors that may correlate with a student’s performance on the math portion of the Forward Exam (e.g. gender, race, disability status, and level of English proficiency).

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