Los recintos de Paipayales, Corral Quemado y Monte Oscuro, del Cantón Santa Lucía de la Provincia del Guayas, al igual que muchos otros lugares de la zona, lidian diariamente con problemas de plagas en sus cultivos. La experiencia les ha enseñado que el uso de agroquímicos es efectivo en su control, sin embargo, también han […]
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El proyecto busca brindar la asesoría técnica necesaria para la reactivación de los servicios turísticos en cinco comunidades de Santa Elena. Debido al Covid 19 los emprendimientos de turismo comunitario se vieron seriamente afectados por la baja de clientes. Además de la necesidad de brindar no solo servicios seguros sino también de bioseguridad para que […]
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In California, and the United States as a whole, low-income and minority communities have often fallen victim to years of environmental injustice through the constructs of elitism and capitalism. This study seeks to understand the process of city development, using data from over 100 California cities to observe whether cities are responsible for different environmental […]
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The City of Peoria has continually demonstrated itself as a forward- thinking, sustainability-minded city. With booming economic and population growth, Peoria is presented with the opportunity to support its community as the recent COVID-19 pandemic makes its way throughout the state. With financial instability and health concerns, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated several existing challenges, […]
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Affordable housing options are growing sparse in the U.S., with the issue even more prevalent throughout the state of Arizona. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), only 25 affordable rental properties exist for every 100 extreme low-income rental households across the U.S. (2019). This ever-present issue has spurred many cities and towns […]
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The need for affordable housing solutions affects cities around the country. Still, in particular, the City of Peoria is experiencing exponential population and economic growth, posing a challenge to keep up with housing availability needs. To capture the current state of affordable housing, the City of Peoria partnered with two classes in the ASU School […]
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Through the housing market’s many turbulent decades as well as the significant effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the greater economy, many small, historical towns are struggling to maintain an affordable housing market for their residents. Due to these unforeseen circumstances, residents of these towns are often faced with many challenges regarding the local […]
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The need for affordable housing solutions affects cities around the country. Still, in particular, the City of Peoria is experiencing exponential population and economic growth, posing a challenge to keep up with housing availability needs. To capture the current state of affordable housing, the City of Peoria partnered with two classes in the ASU School […]
Read More… from Affordable Housing Study: Needs Assessment (2/2)
Hat Yai Municipality plans to transform itself into a “Green City” while developing protocols to deal with its vulnerabilities. Even before COVID-19 impacted the municipality, it was already facing extensive challenges due to climate change and its location and elevation. The municipality plans to embrace flexibility in future urban design, taking potential disruptions into account. […]
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