Lynnwood partnered with the University of Washington Livable City Year program to provide research, analysis, and recommendations regarding level of service methodologies for the City to consider when updating its Parks, Arts, Recreation and Conservation comprehensive plan. Lynnwood has an adopted park level of service that uses acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. Lynnwood reduced […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Plan Quality and Consistency Analysis: City of Sultan Comprehensive Plan
The project will consist of a thorough analysis of the City of Sultan Comprehensive Plan as currently adopted. The goal of the analysis is to determine what updates will be necessary or beneficial as part of the 2024 comprehensive update. Objectives include: 1) Review the existing Comprehensive Plan and determine how successful it has been […]
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Sultan Land Use Code Analysis and Revisions
The City of Sultan is experiencing rapid development and would like to update its land use code to meet the changing needs in the community. In addition, the City has identified several sections within the land use code that need updating due to inconsistencies and/or ambiguity. Students will assist a consultant working for the City […]
Development of Alternatives for Sultan Parks and Trails
Students built upon the work from Autumn quarter in inventory and assessment as well as community engagement and public participation (see project “Sultan Parks and Trails Initial Inventory and Assessment”). Associated with the engagement process, the students worked on alternative development and starting early exploration of draft plan development. In the Winter quarter, graduate students […]
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Sultan Parks and Trails Initial Inventory and Assessment
The project focused on creating an inventory of all current park and trail locations and associated resources, including equipment. Students mapped the city’s trails and created a series of maps and/or infographics to depict trail locations and assessments of trail conditions. Students worked with available GIS data and set up the data for use by […]
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Diagnóstico de actividades de educación ambiental en escuelas de nivel primaria en el municipio de Zapopan
Objetivo: Conocer los temas ambientales que se están abordando en las primarias del municipio de Zapopan, con la finalidad de elaborar estrategias de educación ambiental no formal, que permita fortalecer el trabajo que ya realiza el personal docente. Descripción de la propuesta: Realizar un diagnóstico en primarias ubicadas en el municipio de Zapopan, con la […]
Infografías o animaciones enfocados a estudiantes de nivel básico
Diseñar materiales digitales que permitan transmitir información ambiental, con la finalidad de crear conciencia en niños de nivel básico (Preescolar, primaria y secundaria), en el cuidado de la naturaleza. Descripción de la propuesta: Contar con una diversidad de materiales digitales como infografías o animaciones, relacionados a diferentes temáticas ambientales, para difundir información relacionada con la […]
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Diagnóstico de pobreza energética y acceso a la energía
Realizar un diagnóstico municipal respecto de los índices de pobreza energética y acceso a la energía, que permitan reportar la información establecido en el Marco Común de Reporte que se realiza anualmente a través de la plataforma de CDP- ICLEI-Track, gestionada por Carbon Disclosure Project y Gobiernos Locales por la Sustentabilidad. […]
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Exploring digital tools to collect Polk County community input
This report addressed Polk County’s needs for a standardized system of conducting and collecting community input on a variety of issues related to the rebranding effort. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]
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Rebranding Polk County: Multimedia tools for diverse audiences
These design tools, including new logos, slogans, social media branding, and website ideas, supported Polk County’s goal of creating a community rebranding initiative. Design solutions from Team 1: solutions from Team 2: solutions from Team 3: solutions from Team 4: UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]
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