Downtown Gresham Walkability Sutdy

The City of Gresham seeks to improve the walkability of its downtown to create a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented city center. Through the University of Oregon’s Sustainable City Year Program, an Advanced GIS class of undergraduate and graduate students from the Community and Regional Planning program and the Planning, Public Policy, and Management department conducted a walkability […]

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German Translation for Elk River’s Climate-Smart Municipalities Partnership

The City of Elk River was selected to participate in the Climate Smart Municipalities partnership for 2016-2018. This partnership is between the state of Minnesota and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Five Minnesota cities (Elk River, Morris, Warren, Duluth, and Rochester) have been paired up with NRW cities (Iserloh, Saerbeck, Arnsberg, Munster, and Siegen) […]

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Neighborhood Area Planning: Identifying Change, Growth, and Possibility in Bellevue, Washington

The City of Bellevue seeks legal research and analysis on regulatory options available to the city in relation to transient and/or short term residential rentals and municipal regulation of short-term rentals, short-term providers, and short-term operators. The city would work with the students to conduct the statutory and case law research on these issues and […]

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East Thornton Lake Natural Area: Park Design

The City of Albany owns a 26-acre property beside Thornton Lake that is slated to become a future park and nature preserve. The site has historically been used for private homesteading and agriculture but has since become wild elds and woodlands. The community supported the City of Albany’s interest in purchasing the land to protect […]

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Historic Preservation Outreach Campaign

The City of Albany primarily uses its website to provide information and resources concerning the historic districts for homeowners. However, the homeowners have to seek this information out themselves rather than the City of Albany reaching out and having a proactive communication strategy. We recommend a communication strategy that targets historic building owners, current and […]

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Strategies and Tactics for Historic Preservation Outreach

The City of Albany Historic Preserva on Program partnered with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communica ons’ Public Rela ons Strategic Planning and Cases class to improve historic homeowners’ involvement, interest, and awareness in historic preserva on while revitalizing rela onships with the Albany Heritage All-Star Community agencies. Students addressed these […]

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Minto-Brown Island Park Citizen Communications Strategy

The city collaborated with students from the University of Oregon’s Strategic Communication program to develop a communication plan to address a variety of concerns. The city specifically wanted students to create a plan to help citizens acknowledge the value of Minto-Brown Island Park, and by extension other city-operated parks; to promote personal responsibility by park […]

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