Creating campaign message materials to rebrand Polk County

School of Journalism and Mass Communication students created strategic messaging tools, including a mission and vision statement, social media plans, external communication strategy, brand book, and logo, to help reflect a new identity for Polk County’s future Book 1: 2: UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]

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Conducting a sustainability management assessment for Outagamie County departments

The county wants to revive its sustainability in order to reduce its impact on the environment and save money. To move beyond addressing energy efficiency efforts, this report assesses Outagamie County’s current state of sustainability management and recommendations for jumpstarting the county’s Sustainability Committee. UniverCity Year Contact Info: Report Link […]

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Exploring county-level conservation and sustainability initiatives for Outagamie County

This report presents conservation and sustainability initiatives addressing land and water conservation, renewable energy, transportation, food sustainability, and sustainable development that can be implemented on the county level with the support of government, nonprofit, and commercial organizations. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]

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Modernizing the Outagamie County highway access control ordinance

Outagamie County’s growth from a rural to a suburban and urban county means that some highways need to change speed limits and other regulations that control how cars access them. This project offered recommendations to modernize Outagamie County’s highway access control ordinance, which has not been updated in over 30 years, and analyzed crash data […]

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Embracing sustainable growth in Outagamie County: A toolkit for change

The following report outlines the process Team NIMBY took to create a toolkit that focused on combating the “Not In My Backyard” or NIMBY mindset. Specifically, our team focused on NIMBY’ism directed at affordable housing developments in Outagamie County. We wanted to educate city officials on both preventative and reactive measures that could be taken […]

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Helping Outagamie County’s rural communities plan for a sustainable future via residential zoning

The cities of New London and Seymour within Outagamie County have outdated zoning codes that need to be updated. The goal of this deliverable is to provide the cities with recommendations for updated zoning codes that would create a more sustainable community. The main reason for this unsustainable zoning code is the “missing middle”, where […]

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Exploring housing siting criteria and development strategies for the Fox Cities and Greater Outagamie County Region

Given population trends, this region is projected to need 11,000 more housing units between 2020 and 2030. Inflexible single-family zoning, minimum parking requirements, and maximum building heights, among several other housing policies and regulations, pose an ongoing barrier to housing development and affordability in the region. Our analysis applied the principles of smart growth to […]

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Kasetsart Green Community: From Waste Management to Tree Planting

The Kasetsart Green Community project is an attempt to transfer knowledge into action regarding waste management and increasing green areas by targeting those who reside and work in and around Bangkhen campus, thus building Kasetsart community that helps reduce community waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as increases green areas to absorb greenhouse […]

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