Food Truck Program

Applications such as Walk Score assess a community’s existing connectivity and mobility. An iterative, customized score for each neighborhood would enable the city’s neighborhood planning group to base a connectivity score on more fine-grained data. This would be gathered into a database and then uniquely applied to the city’s GIS application through this effort, so […]

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Analyzing Landscape Systems

Albany has a vibrant historic downtown and a beautiful waterfront park. However, the links between the two are not particularly frequent, inviting, or pedestrian- friendly. This proposal analyzes natural site conditions and the existing built environment to locate the optimal spots where such links could most productively be strengthened. Surface geology conditions, topography, existing railroad […]

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Modelling of the Implementation of a Shared Bus and Bike Lane along W. Alisal Street in Salinas

Alisal’s history helped develop Salinas as one of the top fresh produce distributors in the country. However, with progress comes change, and Alisal street has transformed into a long stretch of residential homes. Likewise, population and traffic has increased exponentially, minimizing the degree of overall safety. The objective of this study is to figure out […]

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Monona Drive Site Analysis

Alternative physical and financial plans will be developed for specific sites in Monona ready for potential redevelopment. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 University Faculty Contact Tom Landgraf Real Estate and Urban Land Economics Local Government / Community Contact […]

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McMinn County Rails-to-Trails & Greenway Master Plan

An abandoned railroad track provides an opportunity to expand the McMinn County greenway system. The 6 miles of track existing between Athens and Englewood has already been partially prepared for conversion to a greenway trail. The railroad tracks have been removed and the length of the site has been leveled, compacted, and, in some locations, […]

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Honoring Pflugerville’s History

An open-air commemoratve park located on existng unused lots in the Colored Additon area of Pfugerville ofers a creatve place making opton that honors both the Additon’s heritage and current residents. The site would memorialize the history behind the Additon’s establishment and the stories of the families and organizatons that created and sustained the area. […]

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Analyzing Landscape Systems

Albany has a vibrant historic downtown and a beautiful waterfront park. However, the links between the two are not particularly frequent, inviting, or pedestrian- friendly. This proposal analyzes natural site conditions and the existing built environment to locate the optimal spots where such links could most productively be strengthened. Surface geology conditions, topography, existing railroad […]

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Municipal Park Programming & Resident Engagement

A team of CED 475 students will conduct a community needs assessment for Halfmoon Township, focused on identifying residents’ interests in recreational programming at their Autumn Meadow Park. The township will use the project findings as the basis for preparing a township recreational plan, and potentially for grants. Read the final student report delivered to […]

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