Engineering and Landscape Designs for Ahuska Park in the City of Monona

Design concepts for improving Ahuska Park Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 University Faculty Contact Greg Harrington Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor (608) 695-3380 Local Government / Community Contact Jake Anderson Parks and Recreation Director of Parks and Recreation […]

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Turf Management at Ahuska Park in the City of Monona

Create a nutrient management plan for Ahuska Park to help the turf quality better meet functional and aesthetic goals. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 University Faculty Contact Douglas Soldat Soil Science Local Government / Community Contact […]

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Monona Drive Site Analysis

Alternative physical and financial plans will be developed for specific sites in Monona ready for potential redevelopment. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 University Faculty Contact Tom Landgraf Real Estate and Urban Land Economics Local Government / Community Contact […]

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