Boletín 2021.2

Durante el segundo semestre del 2021 se llevó a cabo la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP26), donde 197 países suscribieron el Pacto Climático de Glasgow. Dentro de los diversos compromisos se encuentra el controlarla deforestación y reducirlas emisiones de CO2 y metano. Se busca que la década del 2020 sea […]

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Pacific Grove Handicap Ramp Assessment

The city of Pacific Grove requested that a particular area of their city be mapped showing where handicap ramps, specifically sidewalk-to-street ramps, are located. The purpose of mapping the locations of these handicap ramps is to determine where other handicap ramps might be needed or improved upon. It is important that the city of Pacific […]

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Save The Trees

This project uses ArcGIS techniques to create a plan to revive the native tree species in the Monterey Peninsula area. Save the Trees will analyze the tree density in Pacific Grove and determine areas suitable for new trees to be planted. In doing so, the team will find the areas with the richest and poorest […]

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Canopy Cover and Land Use in Pacific Grove, CA

The purpose of this project was to estimate Pacific Grove’s canopy cover using satellite imagery and the image classification tool in Esri’s ArcMap software (Version 10.7) to provide the city with information that might be used as a helpful reference when considering modifications to green space within the city. […]

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San Juan Bautista Plastic Ban Ordinance

A Plastic Ban Ordinance will go into effect in January of 2020 in the City of San Juan Bautista, and our research sought to make businesses aware of the ban, identify questions and concerns about the ban, and help businesses by recommending alternatives for single-use plastics that are cost-efficient. This research consists of mixed methods […]

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