The City of Sullivan identified needs to improve sustainable infrastructure and green space in Sullivan, IN through their Quality of Life plan. Students in ENVI460 were tasked with providing recommendations for their daily operations and site plans that could improve habitats and attractiveness for the community and tourists. Students provided recommendations for native habitat planting […]
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The City of Sullivan enacted a Quality of life plan to address multiple improvements to their city, including some of the city’s infrastructure. Mayor Clint Lamb’s goal is to connect the city via roadways and trail systems that are accessible for all transportation methods and attractive for community members and tourists. ENVI460 students provided recommendations […]
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A 2016 report on Energy and Water Efficiency measures developed to be applied to buildings of the public-school network, as the result of the partnership of Belo Horizonte municipality and the World Bank, pointed out they are supposed to entice an economy equivalent to 48% of expenditures with energy costs. This represents a very substantial […]
A 2016 report on Energy and Water Efficiency measures developed to be applied to buildings of the public-school network, as the result of the partnership of Belo Horizonte municipality and the World Bank, pointed out they are supposed to entice an economy equivalent to 48% of expenditures with energy costs. This represents a very substantial […]
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A City agency practitioner working on a large New York City infrastructure project requiring the importation of significant amounts of soil approached Town+Gown:NYC with a project idea about how to communicate, to the public, that re-use of soil excavated from other City projects would not only be environmentally good, but also safe. Around that time, […]
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During the Town+Gown:NYC’s Urban Resource Recovery Working Group’s development and refinement of its initiative, called Closing Loops City Program Initiative or CLCPI, to leverage the City’s capital program to close construction and demolition waste (CDW) material loops, using New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYS DEC) beneficial use designation (BUD) regulations, it became clear […]
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The City of Sullivan, IN has a neighborhood revitalization plan and requires new housing that will attract new homeowners to Sullivan. The IAD251 course offers Interior Architecture Design sophomores and juniors the opportunity to design their own unique home, so they were tasked with developing concepts and floor plans for Sullivan’s empty lots. The course […]
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The City of Sullivan intends to leverage the new Central Plaza and Civic Center as key to the city. The Quality of Life plan indicates a desire to construct appealing aspects to Central Plaza. ENVI460 students were tasked with providing recommendations for a water feature and other sustainable features like a green roofing. This report […]
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Students in ENGR401 were tasked with providing recommendations for an energy efficient heating and cooling system for a housing design provided by IAD251. Students performed necessary calculations and compared information with sustainability factors. There are also further recommendations for building sustainable housing. […]
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The City of Sullivan indicated the southern City Park as an area of interest for redevelopment as a neighborhood area and for sustainable features. There are existing structures and habitats that they are looking to bolster. Students in ENVI460 identified multiple components of the city park that could be updated and upgraded to provide more […]
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