The students in Dr. Rebekah Paci-Green’s Natural Hazards Planning course created a website that displays results of a “SafeGrowth Audit” that revealed discrepancies between Stanwood’s Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan and its Hazard Mitigation Plan. (ENVS 372, fall 2017) Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Downtown Design Regulation Revision
The students in Dr. Tammi Laninga’s course, Land Use Regulations, researched other jurisdictions’ downtown design regulations, compared those to Ferndale’s current code, and developed recommendations for code revisions. (ENVS 374, winter 2019 Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tammi Laninga Local Government […]
Off Leash Dog Park
As of 2009, approximately 39% of U.S. households owned at least one dog. Today, off-leash dog parks are the fastest-growing type of park in the country. At these facilities, which range widely in amenities, dogs are allowed off their leashes to play and interact, while owners also get the chance to exercise and build social […]
Whatcom County Disaster Preparedness Survey
The students in Dr. Rebekah Paci-Green’s Disaster Reduction and Emergency Planning Studio partnered with Whatcom County CERT volunteers to conduct door-to-door surveys of county residents, and then analyzed the responses. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info University Faculty Contact Rebekah Paci-Green Local Government / Community […]
Bike Path Location Evaluation
The State College Borough plans to build a bike connector path along Easterly and Westerly Parkway between the State College Area High School and Easterly Parkway Elementary. A group of students in CED 309 will analyze the best options for construction of the bike path, taking into account intersecting streets and curb cuts for driveways, […]
Ymca Sensory Garden Design
The State College YMCA is seeking design assistance for entrance gardens; one is to serve as a memorial garden with opportunity for reflection, and the other to serve as a sensory garden for multi-generational audiences. Students in the senior design class are also tasked to design gardens with the possibility for staggered implementation. Read the […]
Disaster Recovery & Resiliency Planning
The State College Borough does not have one overarching risk assessment and response plan. The students’ task is to identify relevant and potential risks and disasters and develop a risk analysis which future classes will be able to build off of in order to develop the Borough’s recovery and resiliency planning Read the final student […]
Infill Housing Program Development
The Residential Infill Pilot Program was a part of the recent affordable housing code amendment that is designed to promote innovative residential infill, while ensuring that such infill demonstrates high quality building and site design that is responsive to and harmonious with neighborhood patterns and character. Housing choice and affordability are primary goals of this […]
Redmond Area Parks and Recreation Capital Finance Strategy: RAPRD District Tax Valuation Analysis
The Redmond Area Park and Recreation District (RAPRD) is a special taxing district, first incorporated in 1975, that supports parks and open space, an indoor aquatic center, community centers, and programming in most Redmond area parks. The mission of RAPRD is to “develop and enhance recreation facilities and opportunities for the communities [they] serve” (About […]
Infill Housing Program Development
The Residential Infill Pilot Program was a part of the recent affordable housing code amendment that is designed to promote innovative residential infill, while ensuring that such infill demonstrates high quality building and site design that is responsive to and harmonious with neighborhood patterns and character. Housing choice and affordability are primary goals of this […]