The City of Big Lake has several parks with aging playground equipment that needs to be repaired or refreshed. However, rather than simply repairing or replacing the deteriorating playground equipment, the City is interested in exploring alternative designs for these parks by asking the question — is there a way to create a better park […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Designing Parks for Experiential Engagement
The City of Big Lake has several parks with aging playground equipment that needs to be repaired or refreshed as well as new parks that are being developed. The City is interested in exploring alternative designs for these parks by asking the question — is there a way to create a better park experience? Students […]
Designing Parks for Experiential Engagement
The City of Big Lake has several parks with aging playground equipment that needs to be repaired or refreshed. However, rather than simply repairing or replacing the deteriorating playground equipment, the City is interested in exploring alternative designs for these parks by asking the question — is there a way to create a better park […]
Neighborhood Area Planning: Identifying Change, Growth, and Possibility in Bellevue, Washington
The City of Bellevue seeks legal research and analysis on regulatory options available to the city in relation to transient and/or short term residential rentals and municipal regulation of short-term rentals, short-term providers, and short-term operators. The city would work with the students to conduct the statutory and case law research on these issues and […]
Designing Parks for Experiential Engagement
The City of Big Lake has several parks with aging playground equipment that needs to be repaired or refreshed as well as new parks that are being developed. The City is interested in exploring alternative designs for these parks by asking the question — is there a way to create a better park experience? Students […]
Downtown Activation
The City of Albany partnered with the Planning, Public Policy, and Management Department through the Sustainable City Year Program to help the city generate ideas for ac va ng the Water Street corridor and to consider its connec ons to the downtown historic core through analysis and research of catalyst sites. This document summarizes the […]
Downtown Activation
The City of Albany partnered with the Planning, Public Policy, and Management Department through the Sustainable City Year Program to help the city generate ideas for ac va ng the Water Street corridor and to consider its connec ons to the downtown historic core through analysis and research of catalyst sites. This document summarizes the […]
Downtown Activation
The City of Albany partnered with the Planning, Public Policy, and Management Department through the Sustainable City Year Program to help the city generate ideas for ac va ng the Water Street corridor and to consider its connec ons to the downtown historic core through analysis and research of catalyst sites. This document summarizes the […]
Historic Preservation Outreach Campaign
The City of Albany primarily uses its website to provide information and resources concerning the historic districts for homeowners. However, the homeowners have to seek this information out themselves rather than the City of Albany reaching out and having a proactive communication strategy. We recommend a communication strategy that targets historic building owners, current and […]
Remote Sensing: Mapping Parks in Albany
The City of Albany, Oregon has iden ed three main objec ves to assist city sta to manage, analyze, and visualize historic aerial images for the purposes of parks and recrea on, as well as manage historic assets. The University of Oregon Remote Sensing class, Geography 486/586, supported these e orts by genera ng the […]