In November 2022, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development issued parking reform for cities with populations above 5,000 to address the financial and environmental burdens of parking mandates. In addition to reforms that all included cities must make, the cities with populations over 100,000 must choose between eliminating parking mandates or adopting pricing […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
A New Future for the Sisters Elementary School Site
Over fall term 2022, Community and Regional Planning graduate students worked with the City of Sisters to design a research based redevelopment proposal for the Sisters Elementary School and Sisters School District administration building site. Students analyzed potential opportunities and challenges of revitalizing these two adjoining properties through three different lenses: 1) age friendly neighborhoods; […]
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Reimagining Housing Options for the Sisters Elementary School Site
University of Oregon Architecture students proposed site designs and adaptive reuse ideas for the existing Sisters Elementary School and outdoor recreational uses and affordable housing. Student housing proposals fell into four main categories: 1) Housing on top of the school 2) Housing on the west side of the site 3) Housing in groups of clusters […]
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Co-Living for the Changing Family: Thriving through Sharing in Expandable Buildings
The city of Sisters identified the need for 1,100 housing units to accommodate its 2041 projected population growth and is exploring “efficiency measures” as an alternative to expanding its urban growth boundary. Final year Architecture students studied the situation and considered contemporary approaches to how people are choosing to live as the definition of “family” […]
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Personalized Marketing to Increase Community Engagement in Southeast San Diego
The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition (SDUSC) partnered with the Sage Project at San Diego State University to address sustainability issues in the community. The goal of the project was to increase youth participation in SDUSC’s mission and promote sustainable behaviors. As participants in this partnership, students in the Rhetoric and Writing Studies 504 Advanced […]
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Filling in Equity Gaps with San Diego’s First Energy Equity Campus: Caring for Communities of Concern
The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition has partnered with The Sage Project to develop programming for the first instance of infrastructure based soley on sustainability in Southeast San Diego, the San Diego Energy Equity Campus. The equity campus will be located in Valencia Park, an urban community in the southeastern portion of the City of […]
Community-Led Organizations Combating Food Apartheid in Communities of Southeast San Diego
The San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition has partnered with the Sage Project at San Diego State University to evaluate three grassroots, community-based organizations addressing food and nutrition inequity in the neighborhoods of Southeast San Diego. Each organization was interested in evaluating objectives relevant to their specific programming, though common themes regarding accessibility, community awareness, acceptability, […]
Designing the River Falls eco-site engineering plan
As River Falls looks to relocate its composting facility, engineering students designed plans for a site with added services like electronic waste recycling and residential organic waste collection. UniverCity Contact Info: […]
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UAM-EPIC Rescue of La Piedad Lagoon, Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, Mexico
The project aims to ecologically rescue La Piedad Lagoon and its channels to reduce economic and health impacts, conflicts over water, biodiversity, and ecosystem services loss, and to avoid reducing family and sports recreation spaces. This Lagoon is in Cuautitlán Izcalli, in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (ZMCM).The project will allow the construction of […]
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Piloto Incubadora de Proyectos de Innovación Pública en la Universidad de Chile, según el Modelo EPI
Durante el año 2023 creamos la Subdirección de Innovación Social y Pública dentro de la Dirección de Innovación de la Universidad de Chile (VID), con el fin de promover mecanismos a nivel central que articulen el rol público del trabajo académico a partir de la creación de propuestas novedosas, inter y transdisciplinares, que se desarrollan […]