Street Tree Programs in the City of Lemon Grove: An Overview of Comparable Cities, Resources, and Recommendations

As part of the Sage Project’s partnership with the City of Lemon Grove, CA, the students of B A 400 Business Honors Seminar conducted an assessment for a street tree program in Lemon Grove to address the City’s Greening a New Renewable City initiative. The Cities of Brawley and Ridgecrest are offered as case studies […]

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City of Lemon Grove Tree Planting Initiative

The urban greening and renewal of a city requires the cooling effect of new trees. This prerequisite affects the development of green rooftops and rooftop gardens and the efficiency of water usage across city parks and public facilities. With this understanding, this report proposes to enhance the population of trees across the City of Lemon […]

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Greening a Renewable Lemon Grove

The City of Lemon Grove is a continuously developing community that is actively seeking new ways of implementing sustainable initiatives. Community involvement is critical concerning reformation of current greenery within Lemon Grove. Our team of five students decided to explore the varying perspectives of residents pertaining to the current landscaping conditions of their neighborhoods, parks, […]

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Identification of High-Risk Dry Cleaning Sites in San Diego County: Data Collection and Remediation

The goal of this project was to locate and collect site data for all present and historical dry cleaners in San Diego County. Additional data pertained to dry cleaning sites’ responsible parties and operation status. This report pertains to the first phase of this project, which was conducted by students in Environmental Engineering 558: Solid […]

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Identification of High-Risk Dry Cleaning Sites in San Diego County: Spatial Analysis

Hazardous chemicals used in traditional dry-cleaning methods pose a serious threat to population health when spilled or discharged illegally into the environment. Children, the elderly, individuals with certain medical conditions, or those living in disadvantaged communities are at even greater risk. San Diego State University students collaborated with the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control […]

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Caravana Saberes en crianza de la abeja reina

En el marco de las acciones del área de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Dirección General de Vinculación de la Universidad de Colima y de acuerdo a las actividades del proyecto denominado “Mieles de Colima, caracterización palinológica y alternativas producción”, la Dirección General de Vinculación y la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias,  con el apoyo […]

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Desarrollo de un programa de monitoreo y de control preventivo de la intrusión salina en los acuiferos subterráneos y superficiales de la Ciudad de Manzanillo

La importancia que reviste el estudio de los agentes contaminantes de los recursos hidricos, avalado por el necesario consumo de este elemento, en estos momentos no representa una amenaza considerable a las reservas acuífera, pero desde una perspectiva del problema a futuro se visualiza un riesgo potencial, es por ello la necesidad de impulsar el […]

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Piloto Incubadora de Proyectos de Innovación Pública en la Universidad de Chile, según el Modelo EPIC

Objetivo General: Pilotear una propuesta de Incubadora de Proyectos de Innovación Pública en la Universidad de Chile, basados en el modelo EPIC. Objetivos específicos -Difundir el Modelo EPIC dentro de la Universidad de Chile -Facilitar y promover el desarrollo de acciones de innovación pública de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile, con apoyo de […]

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Energy, Environment, Ethics & Society

 Two Books are Published in November, 2015 – 16 and 2016 – 17: Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 7/19, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002. Ph: 2325 2574, 2327 6799. E-mail:;;; Website:; Laxmi – Amazon – Flipkart – (1) Entitled: A Textbook of Energy, Environment, Ethics & […]

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Environmental Screening and Preliminary Assessment Report

3. PROJECT ALIGNMENT DESCRIPTION The Projected Corridor STARTS from Chainage @ 00.000 Km (NH – 74) with coordinates (28°57’19.26” N and 79°25’47.66” E) and traverses through mostly government land and paddy fields and circles the City. Rudrapur Bypass Road Crosses NH – 87 (New NH – 09) and NH – 74 (New NH – 309) […]

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