B. Description of the Subprojects The objective of the MORTH’s Project Financing Facility is to support the projects for improving Andhra Pradesh State’s connectivity of the current rural interior and achieving a larger coverage of the National Highway and State Highway. The loan from the MORTH will be on – lent to the Government of […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 15 Life on Land
Energy, Environment, Ethics & Society
(5) Publication Two Books are Published in November, 2015 – 16 and 2016 – 17: Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 7/19, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002. Ph: 2325 2574, 2327 6799. E-mail: colaxmi@hotmail.com; ratnesh.gupta@laxmipublications.com; info@laxmipublications.com; Website: laxmipublications.com; Laxmi – http://www.laxmipublications.com/servlet/lpgetbiblio?bno=B000177&pageName=Keywords Amazon – http://www.amazon.in/UEE-9753-320-Energy-Environ-Ethi-Soc-Gup-Na/dp/9383828609/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445662495&sr=8-1&keywords=9789383828609 Flipkart – http://www.flipkart.com/uee-9753-320-energy-environ-ethi-soc-gup/p/itme3btjzz8zut7b?pid=9789383828609 (1) Entitled: A Textbook of Energy, Environment, […]
Fleet Electrification Strategies
The City of Peoria staff and leadership are committed to evolving to meet the needs of its growing community while searching for innovative and strategic opportunities to optimize its services. Peoria’s municipal fleet includes a wide range of vehicles to support the City’s services, including emergency vehicles, public transportation, and public works vehicles. The City […]
Green Waste Scaling
Waste contamination is an increasingly challenging barrier to effective recycling and composting efforts. Green waste contaminants, such as grass clippings and leaves, can release significant amounts of methane and other greenhouse gasses when disposed of in landfills. Greenwaste is any organic material that can be broken down into compost. Compost is converted into soil, mulch, […]
Extreme Heat Communication
Extreme heat is an increasingly complex challenge for cities to consider in its public safety and awareness programming. With the recent launch of the nation’s first Office of Heat Response and Mitigation within the City of Phoenix, additional cities are considering how to integrate heat safety into their public communications and public safety strategies. Currently, […]
Mieles de Colima, caracterización palinológica y alternativas de producción.
RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El Plan Estatal de Desarrollo de Colima 2021–2027 establece que, entre otras actividades económicas, se debe impulsar el campo para tener empleos dignos, así como generar oportunidades a grupos vulnerables. Para ello el Gobierno del Estado de Colima a través de la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Rural buscará alternativas para el mejoramiento de las […]
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Impacto del cambio climático: percepción de riesgo en la población vulnerable
La investigación a desarrollar es descriptiva – prospectiva y tendrá lugar en el contexto de la región costera de Manzanillo, con un período de ejecución desde enero del 2020 a enero del 2025. Teniendo en cuenta que el municipio constituye una alerta pues está identificada por el CITMA nacional como ciudad costera amenazada por la […]
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Microtransit Feasibility Assessment
The City of Peoria offers a variety of cutting-edge transportation options for its residents. Peoria recently relaunched its Peoria On The Go (POGO) neighborhood circulator and expanded its routes to include Peoria points of pride, including the Four Corners area, Peoria Sports Complex, Old Town Peoria, and more. With the most recent launch of RoboRide, […]
Acciones para favorecer la educación para la salud y ambiental en comunidades de zonas costeras del municipio Manzanillo
El acceso a la salud y el gozar de ella es un requisito básico que nos permite construir una sociedad más equitativa ya justa para el cuidado y protección del medio ambiente. Constituyen condiciones indispensables para el bienestar de las personas y uno de los componentes fundamentales para la prosperidad y el desarrollo de las […]
Siembra y Cosecha de Agua ante el COVID-19, Manglaralto 2022
El agua es un elemento vital para el desarrollo de las regiones, satisfaciendo las necesidades de las poblaciones, la industria y los ecosistemas. La Península de Santa Elena se caracteriza por ser una región con un importante déficit hídrico, donde las fuentes locales de agua dulce son escazas y generalmente asociadas a los acuíferos presentes. […]
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